Content Calendar

A content calendar is a schedule of content to be produced and delivered to your prospects through different channels, including your blog, social media channels, email newsletters, etc. over a specified timeline.

Content fuels online marketing and if you don’t have a content strategy supported by a content calendar, you will struggle to generate leads. An effective content strategy requires a well planned and executed content calendar.

What to know how to make an awesome content calendar? Follow these easy steps:

1. Brainstorm content that fits your brand persona & niche

  1. Do you have an online brand persona? (are you casual or serious? fun or professional?)

  2. Will your content reflect your brand persona? If so, how?

  3. What questions did you have when you were starting in your industry? Can you answer them now?

  4. What issues do your customers need addressed?

  5. Are there frequent changes in your industry? If so, are you a trusted source of information about them?

If you need some ideas for content marketing, consider the following:

  1. A theme-based weekly post (like #WednesdayWarning -- keeping people up to date on industry news)

  2. How-to articles on marketing, customer retention, customer acquisition, etc

  3. How-to webinars or videos with financial advice, recipes/top tips, fashion how-tos, etc

  4. Case studies

  5. Product-related success stories

  6. Business-related infographics, statistics, press releases

  7. Travel guides, product how-to guides, real estate buying/selling guides

2. Create a calendar for 1 to 6 months

  1. Schedule content for social media as far in advance as possible -- and add to it as time forward

  2. Large events like webinars, Q&As/interviews, ebook/product releases & conferences can be scheduled as soon as you’ve locked down a date

3. Test content before adding content to your calendar

  1. Does my content match my content marketing brand profile?

  2. Is my content interesting (witty, surprising, funny, thought-provoking, new, exclusive) and engaging?

  3. With the rise of social media optimization (SMO), does my content encourage Facebook Likes, shares & comments? Would I want to share it myself?

4. Keep an eye on your surroundings

  1. Don’t rely on your calendar completely: be sure to check up on current trends to take advantage of news stories

  2. Watch your content analytics: just because something is on your calendar doesn’t mean it’s set in stone. If it’s not working, change it or pull it!

  3. Watch the movements of your competitors: online marketing is an ever-changing world. Be sure you’re watching your competitors for new ideas or strategies

For those of you working with more sophisticated teams, you can take an advanced approach to managing your content calendars by:

  1. A single source for the status of in-progress content on different channels

  2. A way to track your content’s use by teams in different internal brands, divisions, or countries

  3. The ability to track related and repurposed content through metadata for better content governance

As your content numbers increase, we highly recommend utilizing a content calendar/planner. Some examples are or

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