Searching for SEO: Where is it now in 2019?

The days where you would pay someone thousands of dollars to improve the SEO of your website are slowly coming to and end. Technical tweaks to your computer code plus the relentless dumping of your website links across the inter-webs aren’t working as well as it could be. Those year 2000 tactics are less effective because of how smart the search engines are getting.

The search algorithms are becoming more and more human, expecting your website to play to actual human needs.

You now must give the people what they want, and if you don’t, then Google makes you pay the price! They de-rank you.

What the people (And Google) want:

  1. A Mobile Friendly Website
    If your website isn’t built for mobile-first viewing, then you are automatically losing points in the SEO ranking.

    Remember, more than 50% of your website visitors are going to be coming to your website via mobile phone. And this is only going to increase as more and more people get online.

  2. Improved User Experience

    Google scans your website for how long people spend on specific areas and pages. They can also see when people visit your website, and can’t find what they want and leave. Google sees everything 👀.

  3. Social Media Maximization

    Google may not admit it, but it knows how important social media influence is for finding things that people like. And the data shows, people who share your content are more likely to send other people to your website. When your social media accounts send people to your website, it’s considered highly-qualified traffic from a known source.

  4. Don’t forget about YouTube

    It’s the second most visited website on earth, and is also considered a search engine. Start creating video content!

    [TIP: Host the Youtube video on your website with it’s transcript, so that it can be found on Google search]

  5. The answer is always more content

    Google only wants to rank relevant, updated websites. Creating new content for your website is the only way to stay relevant and up-to-date.